Want to work on something together?
All Budgets are welcome, and I’ll generally work with you on what works best for the project's outcome if I choose to take it on. To do that, some basic understanding of the scope is needed - get in touch using the form to the right and we’ll talk shop. I prefer to work on large-scale projects where I have some creative input, conceptually or sonically. I am a fluid worker, so most things I do are measured by the project, not by time itself - I find my best results come from working on projects with clear goals.
Otherwise, some examples of standard rate structures for Audio are:
Mixing / Editing - $170/song remote (with 1-2 rounds of revisions) or $32/hr in-person, or after 2nd revision
Engineering + Tracking - $32/hr, or $250 per day
Mastering - I don’t “master”, though I can arrange or prepare for mastering at $32/hr. There are some fantastic mastering engineers on the music projects page, in the bottom section.
Composition for Media - Flat-rate, project dependent based on Licensing needs + Contract Length
Producer / Songwriter - $150-$250/day, or album credits (depending on needs)
Live Sound - $150/per day
Live Musician - I love doing this shit for fun, but sometimes cash needs to be involved for me to fit it into my schedule. Hit me up!